What to do

Hiking is one of the many activities that can be performed in conjunction with the incomparable nature of the area, there are numerous routes, with different levels of difficulty adapted to all walkers.

Ruta Turística de los PuertosRuta del Acebo
Ruta Turística de los PuertosRuta del Acebo
Más rutas de senderismo:Rutas Senderismo wikiloc
Rutas guiadas, tiro con arco, paseos acaballo aventura: Rutas Vivas
Coto de pesca intensivo El Arenero:Facebook El Arenero
Cerámica negra de Llamas del Mouro:Ceramica negra de Llamas del Mouro
Circuito de karting de Cibuyo:

Cangas del Narcea local Fiestas, sports, gastronomic and recreational events are organized in numerous, check those closest to your stay, so that you don't miss any.